Mirror, mirror and some bottles…

Time to start new section of my artwork collection and subsequently – portfolio: oil paintings.

And I’ll start with this one. There was a still life composition on a mirror and with a mirror behind it (guess it was to practice reflections and metallic-ish textures? Since one of the “mirrors” was in fact aluminium foil under glass… which worked surprisingly good). Main material to make it in was supposed to be watercolor, but as I had basically two different papers with preparatory drawings made (you know, in case I’ll need to ever do it again in for example neon colors) one became an oil painting.

Watercolor paper is surprisingly good medium to work on, yet it is subject to paper yellowing from oil seeping in. Not to say that it is not a problem, but not big one anyway, unless there is a lot of oil and open white paper. Paint itself behaves pretty much like on any other surface that can absorb somewhat decent amounts of diluent and pigment-carrying liquids (water, oil, etc). Overall I’m pretty satisfied with the results of this little experiment of mine.

P.S. Done in 2019 if I remember correctly.