Potocki Palace in Odessa

And again it is one of the first artworks… this one is made in 2017 (yeah, I’m publishing them here in kind of chronological way, at least those artpieces I know the year of creation). Palace of the Potocki family in Odessa, Ukraine, was chosen as another architectural study, or rather as a main character for this print, because… I thought it looks interesting.

Imagine this scene: night, sky is pitch-black dark, stars on it give off just enough light for human eye to notice them, no more. Moon is hiding behind some silvery clouds, that decided it was their time to take a walk as well. Snow glistens with the light reflected from the moon and the small lantern in your hand. Slow breeze the temperature of freshly melted ice gently shakes tree branches…

Magnificent view, perfect weather, ideal night, but you are here not just for that. You came to visit the decades old place, full of mysteries, dust and museum exhibits, but it is now closed, so the only thing that is allowed for quite unexpected guests to see is the building itself.

And that is what you see on this linocut.

There is another part made specifically for this print, but it is not scanned yet, nor is it put in a frame beside it. Gotta do it some time.