Brave New World

Year 2021, second year of new pandemic. Students of all kinds continue their studies, because to be honest what else they have to do? I’ve finished my own MA studies (almost) and prepare for a new stage of career/professional/skill development.

Main style was taken from PCBs (Printed Circuit Boards – yet another thing I’ve tried making) and this “new world” art is accompanied and dare I say even supported by techniques of old. Before you is a synthesis of many techniques and styles, here we have eye of David, Vitruvian Man, linocut and ebru all used and fused together to make this very same picture you see here. Original intent was to use gold on dark blue (you know, how actual PCBs look like sometimes) but… this didn’t quite work. However this may have been for the better as it lead to using different approach altogether (basically, ebru wasn’t even planned initially) which in turn made entire work look even better than originally anticipated (not my comment but professor’s).

If you’re interested in its size… Parts are 20×40, 30×40 and 20×40 centimeters, whole thing in frame is 100x70cm.