An octopus pot

Next etching and a start of a small series (I really need to categorise my stuff by series as well), this time encompassing different printing techniques.

Can you guess what this picture is about?

If you did congrats, if you didn’t – just google its name and try not reading next paragraph.

This is an illustration to a haiku by Matsuo Basho. It goes something like this (hopefully the text is right):

An octopus pot -
inside, a short-lived dream
under a summer moon.

Here as it is usual, I’ll let myself take some artistic liberties as well as try writing a short verse instead of plaintext prose description.

There is an octopus that found a pot and stuck his head inside.
The thought than crossed his mind:
"Why don't I wear it like a hat, and be a gentleman of sorts?"
He sat and thought and reasoned with himself about such a use of broken pot.
Tentacles curles around stones, and stick protruding from the earth.
There sat our octopus till moon has risen
Illuminating nightly world with all its summer might.
This was a quite productive day. Since octoped has found a hat.
Take a look. It is permitted
But please, be quiet and don't wake up the creature.
As for the ship...
Don't worry, it doesn't interfere with story...